support according to your needs

How can we help you?

We and our global partners are happy to help you. Our extensive infrastructure and broad support

network provides you with access to expert support that you can trust.

Remote support

Do you need instant help? Then contact our remote service support for a first evaluation of the problem you are facing.


A call away from you

We and our global partners offer you a global service network so that we can always be at your side.


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Tailor-made trainings



Practical product training

Our product training gives you certainty during your daily work and ensures that you can fully exploit the potential of your Berthold product. Experienced service technicians as well as development specialists convey well-founded practical knowledge that is tailored to the applications and needs of the participants.


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Frequently Asked Questions

- If the calibration of the measurement should preferably be as simple as possible

- If the measured value is to be stable, accurate and reproducible…

No, because herein lies a significant advantage over conventional belt weigher systems.

With a conventional belt scale, maintenance and servicing is…

Unfortunately, we cannot offer all of the services listed here in every country. Please contact your local partner.