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Berthold Technologies
Business Element Manager
Berthold Technologies
Business Element Manager
The measurement of the potassium concentration is one of the most difficult and challenging measurements in the mining industry. The detection of the K-40 requires an extremely sensitive and superior stable measurement system, which must be capable of suppressing the inherent background radiation in order to obtain an optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Through the detection of K-40, the concentration of K2O or KCl can be measured. Berthold has the perfect solution for the challenging task providing accurate potassium measurements with the potassium analyser LB 474. The system is non-contacting, which virtually eliminates maintenance and costly downtime. Applying highly sensitive, stable and rugged detectors is fundamental in achieving a precise and accurate measurement.
Depending on the process conditions and the mechanical arrangement, the potassium analyser can be equipped with three different types of detectors. Moreover, adapted to the prevailing conditions on-site, the detector can be installed inside a tube which is immersed into a tank or vessel, or it can be mounted at a tank’s outer wall. Under specific circumstances the detector can also be installed at a conveyor belt.
In contrast to the determination of the potassium concentration, for the measurement of product density and bulk flow, an additional gamma radiation source (Cs-137 or Co-60) is required. The gamma radiation sources are produced to customer specifications by Berthold’s own source production facility and in accordance with the highest safety guidelines. Both source and detector are installed non-contacting and non-intrusive at the relevant pipeline, vessel or conveyor belt. The gamma radiation is attenuated by the process media to be investigated when penetrating the pipeline, vessel or belt. This weakening of the radiation is detected by the detector. The higher the product density or the load, the less radiation reaches the detector. In this way, density, concentration, solid content, mass flow and bulk flow can be determined reliably and without contact - independent of pressure, temperature, viscosity, conductivity or vibrations.
Potassium content measurement Application flyer
English | PDF | 696.3 KB
Bulk flow measurement Product brochure
English | PDF | 2.3 MB
Density measurement Product brochure
English | PDF | 1.5 MB
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