
New Colibri+ C for microvolume and cuvettes

The new Colibri+ C expands the Colibri family with the possibility to measure cuvettes, even for kinetics measurements with temperature control!


Bulk level measurement

Reliable and precise for all types of conveyors – new brochure available!


NEW - The LB 135 TOL/G Dose Rate Meter

Learn more about our new LB 135 TOL/G Wide Range Dose Rate Meter suitable for both continuous and pulsed gamma radiation fields and characterized by precise measurements of the equivalent dose H*(10) and dose rate in a wide energy range.


Density measurement for resid hydrocrackers

Ideal measuring solution for advanced process control.


62nd Annual Conference of the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN)

At the 62nd anniversary of the German Society for Nuclear Medicine (DGN), we took part in the knowledge exchange on the latest developments, procedures and future visions in the field of nuclear medicine.


Density or total solids in calcium carbonate

Online process monitoring of calcium carbonate slurries


NEW - The fastest Microplate Washer on the market

Learn more about our new Zoom HT Microplate Washer and Dispenser offering unmatched speed in washing microplates in 96- and 384-well formats.


Berthold Technologies signs cooperation agreement with the KIT

Berthold Technologies has signed a cooperation agreement with the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, led by Prof. Dr Peter Nick, at the Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter Institute for Plant Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).


Level measurement on distillation bottoms

Precise measurement with extreme process conditions