The experts for measurement solutions

We also provide robust and non-contacting bulk flow meters monitoring how much material is fed into the boiler. This is the only way to ensure a controlled supply of fuel, which ultimately leads to a lower consumption of raw material. Radiometric level measurements or switches are part of our product range as well.

State of the art technology

  • Outside mounting of components
  • Not exposed to the harsh process conditions
  • Free of wear and maintenance
  • Smooth handling and operation
  • Lowest cost of ownership
  • Easy to install on existing vessels, cutes and conveyor systems without modifications

Carbon content in fly ash of coal power stations

Determination of carbon in fly ash at coal power plant

Determination of carbon in fly ash

The amount of carbon in fly ash is a measure for the efficiency of the combustion process. Experience has shown that the carbon content varies by as much as 20%. Our carbon in fly ash analyzer provides realtime information on the current carbon content and allows actions to be taken immediately.

Berthold's fly-ash analyzer is typically installed on a measurement chute below the electrostatic filter. The measurement is based on the microwave transmission principle, which is best suited for this application because of its exceptionally high representative measuring results. A measuring accuracy of < ± 0.5% weight fraction of carbon content is typically attained.

Go to Micropolar LB 568


Ash hopper high level measurement

Reliable high level detection is highly important for industries that use electrostatic precipitators to filter process exhaust air that would otherwise be released as air pollution into the environment. As part of this process, filtered-out particles are collected in hoppers. If the level in these hoppers rises too high that the fine dust touches the electrostatic precipitators, these filters will short-circuit. The use of high level switches prevents this and the resulting process upset condition. For this application radiometric level switches based on scintillation technology offer best in class reliability.

Go to ash hopper

Whitepaper “Rod source / point detector"

Berthold has published the whitepaper “Rod source / point detector arrangement”, wherein the advantages and benefits of a rod source/point detector arrangement are explained. Due to less frequent production downtimes, simpler and thus more economical spare parts inventory, increased long-term and temperature stability and consistent process quality, the higher acquisition costs are mitigated within a short period of time.

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